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An Initiative of the Fayette County Cultural Trust


Clair M. McClintock
Clair M. McClintock, United States Army, has been awarded the Silver Star under the below-listed General Orders for conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity in action against the enemy while serving with the 34th Infantry Division, 168th Infantry Regiment during World War II.
General Orders: Headquarters, 34th Infantry Division, General Orders No. 63 (1944)
Clair participated in the Italian Campaign and the Battle for Anzio, where he was wounded. He was the recipient of the Silver Star medal and the Purple Heart.
He passed away on 17 October 2005
This is some exerts from the below Headquarters 34th Infantry Division Document - 23 July 1944
Clair M. McClintock, Private Infantry, United States Army. For Gallantry in action on 28 May 1944, in the vicinity of Villa Crocetta, Italy. Pvt McClintock was acting as a radio operator when his Company went into an attack and was suddenly subjected to enemy artillery, mortar and small arms fire. Seven men were wounded, including Pvt McClintock, but nevertheless he did not call for the aid man. The members of the platoon least suspected that he had been wounded, because he continued to operate his radio, keeping in contact with the various platoons and companies. If he had not, his platoon stood a good chance of being captured. Later when litter bearers had evacuated the other six wounded men, Pvt McClintock informed them that he needed a litter for he was unable to walk. He was taken to the aid station, where he was treated for his wounds: broken left leg, wounds in the right leg, both arms and chest. Not once until he had reached the aid station was the radio out of operation; there he gave it to another man and explained how to operate it. The outstanding courage and devotion to duty of Pvt McClintock even while painfully wounded, exemplifies the highest traditions of military service. Entered military service from Dickerson run, Pennsylvania.