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Welcome to the Connellsville Canteen!
An Initiative of the Fayette County Cultural Trust

Francis J. (Frenchy) Molinaro
A lifetime resident of Connellsville, Francis
Molinaro was inducted into the Army on July 2, 1942, and started his active service on July 29, 1942 at Fort Meade Maryland. He served with the 579th Quartermaster Laundry Company.
Battle campaigns included Ardennes, Central Europe, Normandy, Northern France and the Rhineland.
His decorations include the Good Conduct Medal, American Campaign Medal and Ribbon, WWII Victory Medal and Ribbon, European-African-Middle Eastern Campaign Medal and Ribbon, and 5 Bronze Service Stars.
He was honorably discharged on November 21, 1945. He returned to Connellsville and was employed by the West Penn Power Company.
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