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Frederick Barnhart "Buzz"
110th Infantry, 28th Division. Served from February 17, 1941 to September 1945. Missing and Prisoner, December 20, 1944 to April 1945.
Sgt. Frederick Barnhart tells of treatment U.S. Troops got from Nazis
(Special to the Courier)
The 52nd General Hospital, England- To free himself of the ill-treatment imposed on American prisoners-of-war by the German S.S. troops, Technical Sergeant Frederick Barnhart, Jr., 26 of
519 York Avenue, Connellsville, Pennsylvania, escaped from his captors during a forced march, and his in the woods until American troops rescued him.
Taken prisoner during the German breakthrough near Weiler, Luxembourg, last December, Sergeant Barnhart, with 200 other American prisoners, were sent to Bitburg. After a week's stay there they marched on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day to another camp in Gorlitz.
"During our stay at the camp the food rations were very scarce," he said. "Many of us volunteered for railroad work, for doing so we would receive more rations."
"The German non-commissioned officers would club any prisoners they thought were slacking on the job. I saw one German sergeant deliberately club a prisoner over the head because he had paused to wipe the perspiration off his forehead."
Despite the treatment the Americans were getting at the hands of the Germans, the captain in charge of the S.S. troops told Sgt. Barnhart of the good treatment his two brothers were getting in a prisoner-of-war camp at Camp Shelby, Mississippi.
When the work on the railroad was completed the prisoners were transferred to Brunswick, Germany. With the approach of the Allies, the prisoners were marched toward Magdeburg. While on this march Sgt. Barnhart and five other Americans escaped into the woods and waited until troops of the 30th Division rescued them.

Washington DC
January 16, 1945
The Secretary of War desires me to express his deep regret that your son Technical Sergeant Frederick Barnhart has been reported missing in action since twenty december in Luxemburg. If further details or other information are received you will be promptly notified.

Washington DC
April 10, 1945
The Secretary of War desires me to inform you that your son T/Sgt Barnhart Frederick is a prisoner of war of German Government based on information received through Provost Marshal General. Further information received will be furnished by Provost Marshal General.

Washington DC
May 8th 1945 812 pm
The Secretary of War desires me to inform you that your son T/Sg Barnhart Frederick returned to Military Control 16 April 1945 report further states he is hospitalized in European area period hospital sending you new address and further information until such new address is received address mail for him quote rank name serial number (Hospitalized) central postal directory APO 640 care postmaster New York.