Welcome to the Connellsville Canteen!
An Initiative of the Fayette County Cultural Trust

John Basinger Jr.
Technician 5th Grade
36 Cav Recon Squadron
Date of Induction: 10 November 1942
Date of Separation: 24 February 1946
Decoration's and Citations
Good Conduct Medal, American Theater Service Medal, European Theater Service Medal with 2 bronze stars, Victory Medal
John was assigned as a truck driver light in the European Theater of Operations, with the 36th Mechanized Cavalry Squadron. He drove 2 1/2 ton trucks hauling gasoline and ammunition from supply depot to mechanized combat teams at the front. He made minor repairs and adjustments on trucks which he drove.
John was employed by Anchor Hocking Corporation in Connellsville from March 1941 to November 1942 as a machinery oilier. Oiled all types of mass production machinery and motors used to manufacture bottle caps. John also had experience in the plastics, lithograph, and rubber seal departments of the plant, doing various jobs which were connected with the processing of metal and plastic bottle caps.
John was wounded in the Battle of the Bulge and turned down the Purple Heart because he considered his wounds not as severe as others in his company.

John's was a chief, and baked bread aboard the ship that carried troops from the United States to Europe. This is the Chef hat that he was issued.