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An Initiative of the Fayette County Cultural Trust

PVT. Eugene Beneke
The Daily courier
16 Dec 1944
Private Eugene Beneke has been missing in action since November 26, according to a telegram received Friday morning from the War Department by his wife who resides at Connellsville, R.D. 2.
Private Beneke is with the Infantry and has been in the service since last March. His wife has not heard from him since shortly before he left for overseas last October.
The Daily Courier
08 Feb 1945
Private Eugene Beneke, 24 years old, who had been listed as missing in action in Germany since November 26, has been reported to military control and is receiving hospitalization, the War Department has advised his wife, Mrs Marie Mclintock Beneke of Connellsville, R.D. 2 (Swaugertown Road).
The message stated that the soldier "has been returned to military control at a date unreported." It added that he is being hospitalized in the European area and that his new address and details from the hospital will be forwarded as soon as possible.
The Daily Courier
19 April 1945
Private Eugene Beneke, who is with the Infantry somewhere in Germany, has been slightly wounded in action according to word received by his wife, the former Marie McClintock. This is the second time Beneke has been wounded. The first time was on November 26, 1944, when a telegram from the War Department stated that he was missing in action in Germany. Later a telegram, dated in February, 1945, stated that he had been hospitalized from wounds received. Private Beneke is the father of a three-year-old son, Robert Eugene, and has been in the armed forces about a year. He has been overseas since October, 1944.
The Daily Courier
25 April 1945
Private Eugene Beneke, 24, who had been serving with the infantry in Germany, died April 7th of wounds suffered April 1st, according to a telegram from the War Department to his widow, Mrs. Marie Beneke of Swaugertown road. Private Beneke was wounded before on November 26th in Germany and was at that time reported missing in action. A son of the late Martha and Alfred Beneke, he went overseas in October 1944, and had been in the armed forces a year March 27th. Besides his widow he is survived by a son, Robert Eugene, a brother, Alfred of East Cummings Avenue, and a sister, Mrs. Janet DellaDonna of Detroit, Michigan.