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An Initiative of the Fayette County Cultural Trust

Hubert B. Riedman
U.S. Army Medical Corp.
HQ. Det 310th Med Battalion
85th Infantry "Custer" Division
May 15, 1942 - October 08, 1945
North Africa -
January 1944 - March 1944
Italy -
April 1944 - June 1945
Enlisted Army Reserve Corp 389th Ord MM
Company -
April 28, 1947 - September 26, 1950
Re-enlisted Army Reserve/Active Duty 369th Ord Company -
January 23, 1951 - October 7, 1951
The Daily Courier 08 April 1944
Personal Mention
Private First Class Lawrence Riedman has returned to Turner Field at Albany, Georgia, after spending a 15 day furlough with his mother, Mrs. Veronica Riedman of North Pittsburgh Street. Mrs Riedman has another son Sergeant Hubert Riedman, who is serving with a medical battalion in Italy. The two soldiers are graduates of Immaculate Conception High School.
The Daily courier 14 June 1944
With the Fifth Army, Italy - Hubert B. Riedman, son of Mrs. Veronica Riedman, who lives at 830 North Pittsburgh Street, Connellsville, PA., has been promoted from staff sergeant to technical sergeant with the Fifty Army in Italy. He is a personnel sergeant major with the 310th Medical Battalion of the 85th "Custer" Division.
Another innovation made necessary by the same floods was use of a collecting company's station. Swiftly rising flood waters had made an island of the battalion's regular clearing station.
The 310th has supported the 85th "Custer" Division since the division went into action along the Garigliano River last spring. The battalion bearers found five-mile treks through forbidden country a common place as the 85th broke through the Gustay and Hitler's lines.
The battalion, which handled more casualties than any other battalion under the army corps which embraces the 85th Division, received a commendation from the corps commander. The 310th then was commanded by Lieutenant Colonel Ralph M. Patterson of San Antonio, Texas.
The 310th has lost 13 ambulances and two jeeps in action, but its motor maintenance section has established a reputation for keeping an adequate number of vehicles in operation under the most difficult circumstances. Four of the lost ambulances were hit by shell fragments. Three others were knocked out by strafing, and six were carried away in flash floods. One of the jeep casualties was a victim of German artillery fire. The other one was stranded in an inaccessible place when a trail was washed out.
Also in the group are:
Pfc. Thomas P. Softcheck, Grindstone, PA.
Private Miho J. Frustini, Masontown, PA.