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An Initiative of the Fayette County Cultural Trust

Anthony Ruse, Jr.
U.S. Army
April 1941 - June 21, 1946

Daily Courier - 07 March 1944 -
Anthony Ruse Promoted - Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Ruse have received word that a son, Sergeant Anthony Ruse, has been promoted to Staff Sergeant. He has been with the U.S. Army since April, 1941. He has been overseas since the latter part of 1942. He is stationed somewhere in England. Before his introduction into the service he was employed by the Pennsylvania Wire Glass Company.
Daily courier - 04 October 1952 -
There was no greater joy in any man's heart than that which filled the bosom of Anthony ruse, Jr., 34, of Dunbar when he obtained the thing he most desired - a job that would enable him to support his family.
For three and a half years, he was tried to obtain employment. Each time everywhere he went, on his own of where ever the employment office sent him, he was given the opportunity to fill in an application blank but never got the job. Obviously at a glance, he was "out" before he was "in."
But the Rack Engineering and Manufacturing Company of Connellsville saw beyond that empty sleeve. It saw a man of courage and determination. It hired him and he made good. In one month's time he had been promoted with an increase in salary. Two months later he was given another promotion and today is doing the work that previously required two men.
Ruse had been a platoon sergeant in WWII. On July 15, 1944, at St. Lo, France, he lost his right arm to a German mortar shell while shrapnel pierced his ankle. This meant over a year of hospitalization during which time he had to learn to use his left arm to do the work of either arm.
Ruse is married to former Genevieve Klippi. They have a daughter, Cherlyn Ann, five.
Ruse looks forward to an even brighter future as he pursues a course in cost accounting.
Officials point to Ruse's fine work with Rack Engineering so that emphasis he placed on the observance of National Employ the Physical Handicapped Week October 5 - 11.

Anthony Ruse - Second from Right


Daily Courier 06 September 1947