Welcome to the Connellsville Canteen!
An Initiative of the Fayette County Cultural Trust

Wade E. Swink
Operator Gunner
305th Bomb Group
"Can Do"
Shot down 25 June 1943 in B-17 #4229499 'Ma Ma Chang'. Survived parachute drop but got hung up in a tree and broke his back. Rescued and taken care of by members of the underground, but because of his severe injuries had to be turned over to the Germans.
Recovered from those injuries in a German hospital then transferred to POW camps Stalag Luft 4 Gross-Tychow (formerly Heydekrug) Prussia, then moved to Wabbelin Bei Lugwigslust.
Spent approximately 2 years as a POW before being rescued. Returned to the States with a stay at Army Air Forces Convalescent Hospital in New York before returning home to his family in Pennsylvania.
The Daily Courier - 15 July 1943

The Daily Courier - 15 July 1943