Welcome to the Connellsville Canteen!
An Initiative of the Fayette County Cultural Trust

The Daily Courier (Connellsville, Pennsylvania) 18 July 1942 - Saturday
1700 march with hundreds jamming streets on route
Anchor Hocking Glass Corporation, Baltimore & Ohio Railroad, West Penn and Nurses Make Fine Showing in Large Procession; Units Stretched Out Over Complete Area, Evidencing Patriotism of Public.
Six Musical Units Participate
Let's go, U. S. A. On to Victory!
That was Connellsville's battle cry in the wake of one of the outstanding patriotic demonstration this community has ever witnessed, a fitting tribute to the men and women who have answered the call of their country in its hour of need.
In keeping with the Nation-wide observance of American Heroes Day, Connellsville and its immediate environs turned out en-masses Friday night and a recapitulation showed 1,661 men, women and children marched over the entire parade route while thousands crowded the streets.
It was a patriotic display that came from the heart for the marchers for the most part have brothers, sisters, sons and daughters, uncles and aunts as well as fathers who are carrying the fight to the Axis to preserve the principles of true Americanism and to permit those at home to continue to live in peace and freedom.
The mammoth demonstration concluded a day-long program given over to the sale of war bonds and stamps, figures for which may not become available for several days.
The celebration was staged at the suggestion of the Treasury Department to stimulate the sale of bonds and stamps to aid in the financing of the war effort. Locally, the sale started at noon Thursday and continued through Friday, the canvassers completing their job in the evening. The city's two banks kept open two hours Friday night in the interest of the bond and stamp campaign and a number of stores had booths in front of their places of business. This sale was to be conducted in addition to the regular purchases of bonds and stamps being made by the patriotic citizenry, determined that no American solder shall die for that of implements of warfare.
The marching columns traveled over West Crawford avenue, West Apple street, North and South Pittsburgh streets, West Green street and South Arch street. The parade route was almost insufficient to hold the entire procession for as the head moved toward Brimstone Corner, after disbanding in front of the West Penn Terminal Building, the rear unit was traveling eastward over the Youghiogheny River bridge.
The community's three major industries turned out in swollen numbers and really made the parade the success it was. The Capstan plant of Anchor Hocking Glass Corporation of south Connellsville had such a large turnout that it was a parade in itself. Divided into many sections, both men and women numbered 409 in this division for which music was furnished by the American Legion community Band of Vanderbilt.
The Baltimore & Ohio Railroad company likewise had a big group with a total of 187 men and women. This section had a large unit of the maintenance of way workers who were garbed in working clothes and who carried tools. The railroad auxiliary also made up a nice turnout.
Also making a fine showing was the splendid turnout of nurses, the Hospital delegation being swollen with those of the Red Cross, nurses aide corps, home nursing and others.
St. John's roman Catholic church of West Crawford avenue and North Eight street, West Side, was the only individual church with a delegation although the Ministerial Association had a representation. The Slovak Church had men, women and children, numbering 72, in the line of march.
The community's war mothers, eight with four or five sons in the armed forces, rode near the head of the parade, being in automobiles that were decorated with five and four stars and patriotic bunting.
As the committees heard reports from the various workers and the comments of citizenry poured in, appreciation was expressed for the part played by everyone in making American Heroes Day the tremendous success it turned out to be in Connellsville.
"I want to thank each and everyone who contributed in any measure toward the success of American Heroes Day in Connellsville." General Chairman Philip Galardi stated. "While we do not have complete reports, everything nevertheless points to a fine observance. The parade speaks for itself. Probably you could have bought note bonds or stamps. If you didn't get as many as you should, you you should immediately dig in and do something about it. We must keep on buying bonds and stamps to keep the boys in the armed forces well armed."
Appreciation of the public's cooperation was also voiced by Andrew R. McNeil who was Galardi assistant. Also words of praise came from Daniel Dune head of the bond sale and Neil W. Moore, in charge of stamp sale, and others who constructed the general committee.
The parade was headed by Patrolman George Yothcis riding the police motorcycle and on the side car with him was Rev David Minerd, father of Mayor H. Dan Minerd. Next were four of the city policemen riding horses, then were 14 members of the Chestnut Ridge Hunt Club who followed. Then came Parade Marshal C. F. Connell preceding four column benches and two guards with Staff Sergeants Joseph J. Crowlev and Ralph Lucas of the local Marine recruiting office in charge. The were followed by 17 color guards and two guards.
Molinaro's Band was decked out in red uniforms, trimmed in white was next in line. Ten majors and majorettes proceeded the organization which consisted of 19 musicians. They were followed by three automobiles bearing the mothers of Connellsville and vicinity who have given for or more son's to the countries armed forces.
Eight sailors in spotless white uniforms who came here from Uniontown were next and were followed by members of the Veterans of
Foreign Wars and soldiers home on leave, 39 in number. The American Legion had a good representation with 27 members marching.
The Connellsville High School Band of 17 musicians and eight Majors and majorettes dressed in the orange and black uniforms, proceeded members of City Council. Marching with the solons were City Clerk Samuel I. Benford and members of the Ministerial Association and committee.
Thirty-four representatives of the Connellsville OCD were in the line of march. Then came the Loyal Order of Moose demonstration squad which consisted of 10 trucks or floats on which rode 63 members of the Moose lodge.
Next were members of the Women's Auxiliary to the Connellsville State Hospital and these were followed by the South connellsville firemen delegation. Immediately after the auto carrying the Burgess and a group came the South Connellsville Drum and Bugle Corps, 20 in number wearing blue uniforms. Next were 21 firemen dressed in all active blue and white uniforms, nine members of the woman's auxiliary to the South Connellsville Firemen dressed in white skirts and blue capers, South Connellsville Ambulance Corps with eight ambulances and two fire trucks.
The New Haven Hose Company had 27 marchers and there were nine representing the Dawson Volunteer Fire Department.
Anchor Hocking Glass Corporation had the largest representation of any organization in the line of march. After the parade got underway the glass company's 409 employees stretched out for a distance of four and a half blocks.
Headed by a motorcycle and four uniformed guards the Anchor Hocking group was nearly a parade in itself. Following the guards were 10 nurses after which was an auto bearing six officials. The American Legion Community Band of Vanderbilt, made up of 20 pieces proceeded the balance of the workers who were in line as follows.
Seven members of the office force, 27 gals in the Anchor Hocking blue and white uniform, 32 men employees, 35 girls not in uniform car carrying signs. 31 girls in uniforms carrying signs, 52 gals in uniforms carrying signs, nine men in truck filled with multi-colored glass, 20 gals in uniforms, car carrying four, 40 girls not in uniform, car carrying four, 16 men employees, car carrying four and 62 men employees. All of the Anchor Hocking employees wore orange overseas caps and carried small American Flags over their shoulders.
Next in line were 14 members of the Connellsville Military Band who proceeded 72 employees of the West Penn System who wore small American Flags in their lapels.
The Baltimore & Ohio Railroad had a large representation with 162 employees augmented by 25 members of women lodges who were farther back in the parade . Proceeded by identification banners marched 111 officials and employees and immediately behind came 18 of the Baltimore & Ohio Maintenance of Way carrying the tools they use in their work over their shoulders.
G C Murphy Company had 15 girls in the parade, each wearing light gray uniforms and carrying American Flags over their shoulders. Following this group were three officials of the Merchants Division of the Chamber of Commerce who proceeded 31 girls employed at J G McCrory and Company. With the McCrory aggregation were five mascots, dressed as a Sailor, Marine, Soldier and two nurses. The tiny red cross nurses were Darl Cains seven daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Vincent A. Carns of East Murphy Avenue, and Eileen Hileman, eight, daughter of Doyle Hileman of Vine Street. Mt. Carns is assistant manager of the store.
A Overholt and Company, Inc., made a nice appearance. Preceded by two officials and four banner cars there were 23 gals and 42 men in line all wearing red, white and blue hats with white stars.
Next were eight members of the Grandale Society of the Phala fraternity who were followed by the Mount Pleasant Gals Band which consisted of 38 musicians led by five majorettes.
A large float proceeded the Eagles delegation on which was a large roll showing the names of members now in the armed forces. There were 38 members in the line of march, wearing paper overseas hats trimmed in red, white and blue carrying an American Flag over their shoulders. Next were 15 members of the Elks and 24 members of the Flotentino Coneoidio Lodge, Sons of Italy.
Four guards proceeded the Dunbar Township Band which was decked out in white uniforms with red and blue caps. After the five major and majorettes came the 28 members of the musical organization.
Mrs. Ben H. Campbell and Mrs Lyne R. Scott, nurse in charge of the women's organization proceeded 11 members of the Daughters of the American Revolution who were transported in automobiles. Next were 30 Connellsville State Hospital and Red Cross nurses, nine members of the Nurses Air corps and 29 members of the Home Nurse Corps.
Following these came five members of the Business & Professional Club while after these came 11 women of the Ladies Auxiliary, United Spanish War Veterans.
The Loyal Order of Eagles Ella Lodge and a delegation of the Ladies Auxiliary followed. The Baltimore & Ohio Cooperative Traffic Program consisting of 25 marchers, proceeded the Women's Benefit Association of Edge Rebeck Lodge each leading represented by six members. Next were 22 members of the Connellsville Ladies Lodge. All of those women carried American Flags.
Tri-Town Recreation Center Band was headed by two gals carrying a large banner and 10 majorettes. There were 38 musicians in the organization. Next was a group representing St. John's Roman Catholic Church, the only church delegation in line and is consisted of 36 school children, 23 women and 13 men.
Bringing up the rear of the mammoth parade were four Boy Scout troops as follows. Troop 1, Connellsville, 11 Scouts Troop 8, Connellsville, nine Scouts, Troop 3 Connellsville, 19 Scouts and Troop 1, Dunbar, 14 Scouts.