Welcome to the Connellsville Canteen!
An Initiative of the Fayette County Cultural Trust
Connellsville Canteen WWII Museum
Featured in our Canteen are stories, memorabilia, and photos of local hero's that fought during WWII. Come and learn about the sacrifices our service members made during this time period. Also included are some interesting facts about WWII, including some people that made a difference around the world towards the war efforts.
A few of our WWII displays are now interactive. If your phone has a QR Code reader you can scan QR Codes attached to some of the photographs and actually hear "In Their Own Words" their story, thanks to Veterans Voices of Pittsburgh. The names below followed by a VIDEO were interviewed and you can see and hear their stories.
Addis, John W. *(Purple Heart)
Albine, Robert L. "Bob" (Flying Cross)
Barkley, Merle C. *(Purple Heart)
Barnhart, Frederick (Bronze Star)
Barrett, Thomas M. *(Purple Heart)
Barron, Clayton *(Purple Heart)
Bloom, Robert Earl
Browell, Norman A.
Burnsworth, Sherman I. *(Purple Heart)
Cavanaugh, Homer E. (Purple Heart)
Cavanaugh, Roy D.
Clark, Frank
Coffman, Lewis
Corvin, Gene F.
Curtis, Lemuel R.
Danko, Paul A. *(Purple Heart)
Delladonna, John V. (Purple Heart)
Del Sordo, Joseph *(Purple Heart)
Flick, John *(Purple Heart) (4)
Flischel, Robert
Floto, Eugene *(Purple Heart)
Flynn, Thomas E. *(Purple Heart)
Flynn, William H. (Bronze Star)
Fogle, George R. (Bronze Star)
Forejt, Joseph
Gearing, James V. *(Purple Heart)
Geary, Glenn W. *(Purple Heart)
Geehring, Willis *(Purple Heart)
Geiger, Simon B.
Gillott, Albert T.
Glotfelty, Glen G.
Glover, Dale W.
Gomer, Joseph Philip
Hall, Arthur Henry
Hallowes, Odette Sanson
Hamilton, Emory *(Purple Heart)
Hamilton, George Washington Jr.
Hanlon, John Robert
Harbarger, Charles P. *(Purple Heart)
Hardy, Joseph A. III
Harper, Frank G. *(Purple Heart)
Hart, George Gallagher (Purple Heart)
Heffner, Tom
Henry, Donald "Dirt"
Henry, Howard "Bud"
Hixenbaugh, John *(Purple Heart)
Hostetler, Roy *(Purple Heart)
Hough, Wayne
Howard, Bobby
Howard, James
Huggins, Conrad Wayne *(Purple Heart)
Jones, Gordon T.
Jones, Harold H.
Keller, Melvin J.
Keedy, Earl M. *(Purple Heart)
Kessler, James E. (Pete)
Kooser, George E. *(Purple Heart)
Lawson, Earl Fenton
Lincoln, Benjamin Franklin (Bronze Star)
Lindberg, Charles W.
Long, Robert M.
Luckey, Frederick J.
Lutton, James L. *(Purple Heart)
Marshall, George C.
McClintock, Clair (Silver Star)
McDonough, Walter E. *(Purple Heart)
McElhoney, Carl D. (Purple Heart)
Mendonsa, George
Mitchell, Edward R. *(Purple Heart)
Mortimer, Duane D. *(Purple Heart)
Nardone, Evan VM VIDEO
Nicholson, John F.
Parrish, Sylvester (Tuskegee Airman)
Peck, Merle
Piccolomini, Ronald L.
Piter, Andy Jr.
Prudente, Joseph R.
Quinto, Carl Anthony
Rankin, George *(Purple Heart)
Rankin, William *(Purple Heart)
Reed, Robert "Bob"
Rendine, Joseph (Jo)
Rendine, Lawrence (Larry)
Rendine, Raphael (Ray)
Rendine, Sylvester (Doc)
Riser, George E. *(Purple Heart)
Robbins, Franklin C. (Navy Cross)
Rohlf, Irwin W. *(Purple Heart) (2)
Rush, Richard P. *(Purple Heart)
Schroyer, John V. "Wally" (Bronze Star)
Sechler, Harvey M. (DOC) (Bronze Star)
Sheetz, Alvin C.
Sikon, Valentine W. "Val"
Sohonage, William J.
Shroyer, Alfred A.
Shultz, Earl *(Purple Heart)
Shutsey-Reynolds, Florence VIDEO
Siecinski, Anthony (Purple Heart)
Sirianni, Fiorensino M.
Smalley, James E. *(Purple Heart)
Smith, Florence Catherine WAVES
Smith, Henry D. *(Purple Heart)
Soisson, William H. Jr. (Bronze Star)
Stillwagon, Thomas *(Purple Heart)
Thompson, Clyde R.
Vona, Anastasia WAVES
Wandel, Lewis
Welsh, Carroll R.
Whitlock, James *(Purple Heart)
Wilson, Alfred L. (Medal of Honor)
Wilson, Wayne M. *(Purple Heart)
Wiltrout, Gerald *(Purple Heart) (2)
Daily Courier 09 April 2018